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Monday 7 November 2011

Blog for Business? Now Why Would You Do That?

By Gwynne B Wade
Every month, on average, 550K people globally and 49.5K people in the U.S. use Google to ask "how to blog for business". Clearly there are a lot of people looking into this, but I suppose the more important question is why should you create and keep up a blog for business? After all, as a business owner you have a lot of things you have to do already and blogging takes time.
Blogging or blog marketing should be part of your overall marketing strategy. According to eMarketer, 39% of U.S. companies already use blogging as part of their marketing strategy. Does that mean you have to? No. But it does make you wonder why so many people are doing it and if it isn't a good thing to consider. I'm sure most people think it will take too much time, but read on and see if you think it is worth the effort for your small business.
Why do 39% of companies already use a blog for business? Here are a few interesting facts taken from Hubspot and Jupiter Research:
  • 65% of daily internet readers, read blogs daily
  • 46% of internet users read more than one blog per day
  • Blogs help people narrow choices and influence buying decisions for products and services
  • Companies that blog have 55% more website visitors
There are many more statistics, but blogs drive traffic to your website and help customers to make product and services decisions. Also, if you host your blog on the same site as your main website and you blog once or twice a week, you will have a consistent flow of new quality content on your website which is something search engines love.

So what are the steps to get going on your blog for business?
  1. Decide on the goals and target audience for your blog. Goals could be to increase your Google ranking to drive more people to your website, increase brand awareness, to build customer community and loyalty, or to establish yourself as an expert (on the product you sell or service you provide). Your audience is who you want to read your blog. This is would typically be prospects and customers if you are creating a blog to help maximize your business.
  2. Create your own blog website or have someone create one for you. If you are a small or midsize business owner, you may want to have someone set up your blog for you so that you can focus on running your business. There are many options, but if possible you should look into hosting it on your website. Also a part of creating a blog is getting it found by search engines and people, so be sure to discuss this with whoever implements your blog.
  3. Decide how often you should blog and create an editorial calendar to keep you on track. Blog posts (entries) are typically 500-700 words and should not be shorter than 350 words or you may get penalized by Google. How often to blog is really up to you, but to keep your readers interested and coming back for more, try to add new content no less than twice a week.
  4. Start writing. Review your goals and make sure you are addressing them. Provide compelling and rich content. Draw your audience in with your titles and keep them interested with insights into your industry or business. A large part of blog marketing is about engaging your audience - you want them to comment on what you write and come back for more. Remember, a blog for business should be fun, so have some! And do not get discouraged when people don't just show up. At first no one will be reading your blog but you. Invite your customers via your email list, keep up the good content, and use good search engine techniques and people will come. You might also want to consider putting your articles on an article directory like EzineArticles. That made a big difference in my article readership.
That should help with the how, but on the "what to write" you can always get ideas by looking at what is going on in your industry and/or business and discuss that. If you are a restaurant owner, perhaps you have a great new seasonal menu you'd like to share, a new recipe, or is there a new food trend that's interesting? Or if you are in retail, what's new? What's the newest toy or product on the market? You can also use the blog directory on Google. Simply Google some keywords from your industry, such as "photography" or "beauty products" and on the left side of the Google page, click on blog. You can look at what others are saying to get ideas, but for goodness sake make sure to add new, fresh content or a new perspective.
Does blogging take effort? Yes it does, but with some effort and creativity, you will see that a blog for business can make a difference and help you reach your marketing goals.
About the Author:
Gwynne Wade is a Social Media Practitioner who helps small and mid-sized businesses and their brands grow through social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, local website optimization, mobile marketing, and blog marketing.
My website and blog provide social media tips, especially for small and mid-sized businesses. Please go to my site to sign up for a FREE 30 minute consultation:
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